It is well known that Scotland urgently needs more people to work in Health & Social Care (H&SC). As a result, we, at Capital City Partnership (CCP) are pleased to be launching our Proud to Care campaign across the 6 Local Authorities involved in the Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Deal (Edinburgh, East Lothian, Midlothian, West Lothian, Fife and the Scottish Borders).
We have created an informative video with a supporting suite of social media content depicting a variety of inspirational individuals across the sector. You will see that all who feature want to share their experiences and how they, themselves, make a difference. They illustrate that although at times, it can be hard work and demanding they would like to entice viewers to consider this as a career offering rewarding, challenging, diverse and accommodating opportunities and it may be ‘one of the best things you will ever do!’
Watch the video below.
A short docu-film explaining how meaningful and fulfilling work in Health and Social Care can be.
Gillian explains why she's proud to care - and why she feels that working in care is the best feeling in the world.
Kelly talks about how working in the care sector offers flexibility as mum of a young family; and why she enjoys her job.
Megan talks about how working in care unlocked her potential and let her gain qualifications while working
To play your part in solving this recruitment crisis, please find below a list of resources and pathways to your first step to a career in health and social care.
Job Boards:
If you would like to access support to help you with your journey and seek employability help, please contact the providers in your area.
Scottish Borders /
Find out about the health and social care partnership in your area by visiting the Health and Social Care Scotland website.
If you wish to contact the team please email all enquiries to